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5 Surefire Ways to Promote your Mobile App Online

Promote your Mobile App Online

Promote your Mobile App Online

As an entrepreneur, once in a lifetime you may feel the need to have your own business app. Albeit, your website might be doing very well, having an app can do wonders for your business in terms of both growth and sales. The increasing dependability of customers on their smartphones to carry out their personal and professional chores such as paying the bills, shopping, selling and purchasing, making reservations, etc., has made it mandatory for businesses to build their mobile apps.

While developing an app isn’t as easy as pie, marketing it is even more challenging. Why? Because there might be thousands of competitors standing your way. Hence you need an app that stands out for which you need a very, very effective marketing strategy for your app.

But before we head towards discussing a few tips to marketing your mobile app, here’s a golden rule that can help your mobile app get noticed innately.

The Golden Rule – The foremost thing that comes even before developing your app is how USEFUL your app would be for your customers and/or users. Remember, you mobile app doesn’t have to be just an extension of your website. Think out-of-the-box and be a bit more creative. Come up with something that will attract your target audience and put your brand name in front of them with confidence.

And here we go…..

Powerful Content Marketing

Content marketing needs no introduction and we are all aware of its competence. Share your word of mouth about your app and its purpose/usage in the form of write-ups in point-wise fashion, adding and displaying images, screenshots, videos, and screen capture videos on your social media platforms.
In addition, you can encourage your users to do the same. Ask them to share their achievements in your dating app or to share the screenshots after they’ve crossed a particular level in the gaming app that you built.

Remember to start small in terms of budget but make it interesting and fun.

A Triggering Video

Video Marketing is at its hype these days. Organizations prefer creating videos about their business, products and sharing over the internet. It is indeed a good way to announce and advertise your app or product in the market. Hence, create an introductory video about your mobile app. For example, if you’ve built a gaming app, a good trailer can help. Make sure your video has excitement, energy, and enthusiasm. It must also contain a call to action. Share this app video on multiple platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to attract more audience.
If investing some bucks doesn’t cost you much, you can also go for paid tactics that are available on these social media platforms to enable your video to tunnel to your target audience.

Pitch Your App on App Review Websites

What do you do before purchasing a new product? Yes, you look for reviews and feedback! When it comes to using a new app, your audience does the same. And one of the sources app users rely on to explore new apps are the popular app review sites.

When you get your app reviewed on such sites, you accomplish two goals – Firstly, it helps you increase your app brand awareness. This is because any app at the beginning of its life cycle is not known and thus requires lots of media placements to be discovered and downloaded by users.
Secondly, it helps your app to be ranked higher on the Google Play store due to multiple inbound links from those websites.

Social Media Promotion

Social Media is the need of the hour. One can’t just afford to miss to use various social channels like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and Pinterest to market their new built app. Share your cool app features, images, etc., with your audience. You can also run exciting campaigns, polls, contests, etc., on these social media networks relevant to your business app. This way not only you’ll promote your app to a broader audience, but will also help get attention and following that might result in better sales of your app in the long run. Who knows, your app can win the APP OF THE YEAR award some day!

Mobile App Store Optimization (ASO)

With nearly 2 million apps residing in the major app stores, getting your mobile app discovered is one of the biggest challenges for businesses today. Therefore, you need to practice ASO in order to rank higher in the app store’s search results. It helps increase visibility of your app in the app store, which in turn tends to translate into more traffic to your app’s page. This way, searchers can take a specific action of downloading your app.

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