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The Ultimate Road to Code – Programming Language Guide For Web Development Start-Ups

Programming Language Guide For Web Development

Programming Language Guide For Web Development

Programming Language Guide For Web Development Start-Ups

Let’s face it…

Stepping into the web development industry is scary! While one gets to learn a lot, it is daunting to know where to begin. This is because everyone of us is afraid of failure and putting all our energies into delivering ‘ordinary’.

The programming world today is flooded with many programming languages with each having certain “plus points”. This makes it extremely difficult for the developers to identify the right one for them, especially for the start-up firms. Not only this, new languages arise every now and then and not everybody might be aware of using it in the right way. Implementing these languages leads to coding which is the backbone of development.

To master the art of coding and deliver a great website, grasping over language is necessary. Understanding of programming languages, their purpose, pros and cons, and their ‘specialties’ help developers create robust web applications with extended functionalities.

As a start-up development company, PapaSiddhi has followed a specific strategy in determining the right programming language for our web development projects. And today we’d like to share our secret with our fellow beginners.

1. The Purpose – Front end or Back end?

The first step in making any decision is to identify your purpose. So, when it comes to choosing the right programming language, decide whether you want to use front end or the back end. And when you have the answer, it’s time to focus on the language. Industry mammoths like Google, Amazon and Facebook often opt for AngularJS for the front-end and Java and Python as the back-end language. Since, client and server-side languages are crucial to execute any web project, having an idea about the correct language is necessary.

2. Determine Your Local Market Language

How? Here are the steps to choosing a language that the market needs and wants:
Look at the local job websites and identify the most common technologies. These sites are a great way to understand the current trend and market demand. Also, you get a good idea of what the market can pay you for a website built using a particular language. You can always start with Indeed and LinkedIn. Once you’re done with listing the common technologies, determine which tech meetups are popular in your area. You can use for the same.
By now, you will get a clear picture of your local market and the programming language to use.

3. Problem Domain

Look around and identify what languages are being used to solve business problems similar to yours and what is supported by the expanse of libraries. There might be somebody who’ve already solved a majority of your problem and you just have a general license available to build on.

Wrap Up

In order to deliver the best website development service, it is necessary to give your best. Mastering the programming languages open up new avenues in developing web applications. With continuous observation and experimentation, we’ve developed many innovative web apps for our clients. If you too want to develop a robust web app for your business, contact PapaSiddhi today. Send an email to us with all your project details and we assure you great results.

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